Pourquoi le programme de Méditation Transcendantale (MT)
est différent des autres méditations.
Docteur Nancy Lonsdorf
Auteur de A Women's Best Medicine, et directrice médicale du Maharishi Ayurveda Center à Washington, D.C., aux Etats-Unis. |
Le docteur Nancy Lonsdorf considère comment la technique de Méditation Transcendantale de Maharishi (MT) diffère des autres types de méditation et relaxation selon trois points de vue :
I) les bienfaits pour la santé
II) les résultats physiologiques
III) la technique mentale (comment la nature de la technique mentale elle-même fait que la MT est différente)
Les chiffres inclus entre parenthèses dans les pages précédentes de l'article du docteur Lonsdorf renvoient aux références correspondantes dans la bibliographie scientifique de fin d'article, ci-dessous :
Six volumes d'études scientifiques
sur la Méditation Transcendantale et le programme de MT-Sidhi de Maharishi
Les références sont extraites de ces plus de 5000 pages présentant l'essentiel de 600 études scientifiques conduites dans une trentaine de pays par 200 instituts de recherche indépendants (21 sur 29 centimètres)
- 1. Schneider RH, Staggers F, Alexander CN et al 1995 A randomized controlled trial of stress reduction for hypertension in older African Americans. Hypertension 26(5):820-827.
- 2. Eppley K, Abrams A, Shear 11989 Differential effects of relaxation techniques on trait anxiety: a meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45(6):957-974+
- 3. Alexander CN, Robinson P, Rainfort M 1994b Treating and Preventing alcohol, nicotine and drug abuse through Transcendental Meditation: a review and statistical meta-analysis. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 11:11-84.
- 4. Alexander CN, Rainforth MV, Gelderloos P 1991 Transcendental Meditation, self-actualization, and psychological health: a conceptual overview and statistical meta-analysis. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 6(5):189-247.
- 5. Alexander CN, Robinson P, Orme-Johnson DW, Schneider RH, Walton KG 1994a The effects of Transcendental Meditation compared to other methods of relaxation and meditation in reducing risk factors, morbidity and mortality. Homeostasis 35:243-264.
- 6. Alexander CN, Langer EL, Davies IL, Chandler FIM, Newman TI, 1989 Transcendental Meditation, mindfulness, and longevity: an experimental study with the elderly. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 57(6):950-964.
- 7. Alexander C, Barnes V, Schneider R et al 1996 A randomized controlled trial of stress reduction on cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in the elderly: results of 8 year and 15 year follow ups. Circulation 93(3) (abstract).
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- 9. Lehrer PM, Carr R, Deepa S, et al 1994 Stress management techniques: are they all equivalent or do they have specific effects? Biofeedback and Self-Regulation 19:353-401.
- 10. Orme-Johnson DW, Walton KG 1998 All approaches to preventing or reversing effects of stress are not the same. American Journal of Health Promotion 12(5) 297-299.
- 11. Eisenberg DM, Delbanco TL, Berkey CS, et al 1993 Cognitive behavioral techniques for hyper-tension: are they effective? Ann Intern Med 118:964-72.
- 12. Orme-Johnson DW 1987 Medical care utilization and the Transcendental Meditation program. Psychosomatic Medicine 49:493-507.
- 13. Herron RE, Hillis SL, Mandarino JV, Orme-Johnson DW, Walton KG 1996 The impact of the Transcendental Meditation program on government payments to physicians in Quebec. American Journal of Health Promotion 10(3):208-216.
- 14. Wallace RK, Dillbeck MC, Jacobe E, Harrington B 1982 The effects of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program on the aging process. International Journal of Neuroscience 16:53-58
- 15. Glaser JL, Brind Jl, Vogelman JR et al 1992 Elevated serum dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate levels in practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) and TM-Sidhi programs. Journal of Behavorial Medicine
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- 16. Schneider RH, Nidich S, Salerno JW, at al 1998 Lower lipid peroxide levels in practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation Program. Psychosomatic Medicine 60:3841.
- 17. MacLean CRK, Walton KG, Wenneberg SR et al 1993 Apparent serum dehydroepiandrosterone response to acute laboratory stress. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 19:169.
- 18. Cooper MI, Aygen MM 1979 Transcendental Meditation in the management of hypercholes-terolemia. Journal of Human Stress 5(4):24-27.
- 19. Wenneberg SR, Schneider RH, Walton, KG, et al. 1997 A controlled study of the effects of theTranscendental Meditation program on cardiovascular reactivity and ambulatory blood pressure. International Journal of Neuroscience 39:15-28.
- 20.MacLean CRK, Walton KG, Wenneberg SR et al 1997 Effects of the Transcendental Meditation Program on adaptive mechanisms: changes in hormone levels and responses to stress after four months' practice. Psychoneuroendocrinology 22(4)277-295.
- 21.Bujatti M, Riederer P 1976 Serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine metabolites in Transcendental Meditation technique. Journal of Neural Transmission 39:257-267.
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- 23.Orme-Johnson DW 1973 Autonomic stability and Transcendental Meditation. Psychosomatic Medicine 35:341-349.
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- 26.Spiegel D 1993 Psychosocial intervention in cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 85(15):1195-1205.
- 27.Wallace RK, 1970 Physiological effects of Transcendental Meditation. Science 167:1751-1754.
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- 30.Dillbeck MC, Orme-Johnson DW 1987 Physiological differences between Transcendental Meditation and rest. American Psychologist 42:579-881.
- 31. Jevning R, Wilson AF 1977 Altered red cell Psychophysiology 14:94 (abstract)
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- 35. Banquet Jr 1973 Spectral analysis of the EEC in meditation. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 35:145-151.
- 36. Levine Jr 1976 The Coherence Spectral Array (COSPAR) and its application to the study of spatial ordering in the EEC. Proceedings of the San Diego Biomedical Symposium 15:237-247.
- 37. Orme-Johnson DW 1977 EEC coherence during transcendental consciousness.Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 43(4):581-582,E 487 (abstract).
- 38. Badawi K, Wallace MC, Orme-Johnson DW, Rouzere AM 1984 Electrophysiologic characteristics of respiratory suspension periods during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation program. Psychosomatic Medicine 46:267-276.
- 39. Orme-Johnson DW, Haynes CT 1981 EEC phase coherence, pure consciousness, creativity, and the TM-Sidhi experience. International Journal of Neuroscience 113:211-219.
- 40. Jevning R, Wallace MC, Beidebach M 1992 The physiology of meditation: a review. A wakeful hypometabolic integrated response. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 16:415424.
- 41. Alexander CN, Robinson P, Orme-Johnson DW, Schneider RH, Walton KG 1994 The effects of Transcendental Meditation compared to other methods of relaxation and meditation in reducing risks, morbidity and mortality. Homeostasis 35(4-5):243-263.
- 42 Yogi Maharishi Mahesh 1963 Science of Being and Art of Living: Transcendental Meditation. Signet, New York
- 43. Dhanaraj VH, Singh M 1973 Reduction in metabolic rate during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique. In: Orme-Johnson DW, Farrow JT ed. Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Programt: Collected Papers, Vol 1, Rheinweiler, Germany: MERU Press 137-139.
- 44.Whitehorn JC. 1932 The metabolic rate in hypnotic sleep. New England Journal of Medicine 206:777-781.
- 45. Barber DC. 1961 Physiological effects of hypnosis and suggestion. Psvchol. Bufl 56:390419.
- 46. Edelman R 1970 Effects of progressive relaxation on autonomic processes. Clinical Psychol 26:421.
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- 48. Gallois P 1984 Modifications neurophysiologiques et respiratoires lors de la pratique des techniques de relaxation. L'Encephale. 10:139-144.
- 49. Beary JS, Benson H 1974 A simple psychophysiological technique which elicits the hypometabolic changes of the relaxation response. Psychosomatic Medicine 39:115-120.
- 50. Wallace RK, Benson H, Wilson AF 1971 A wakeful hypometabolic physiological state. Amrncan Journal of Physiology 221:795-799
- 51. Jacobs GD, Benson H, Friedman R Biofeedback and Self-Regulation 21:121-129.1996 Topographic EEG mapping of the relaxation response.
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- 53. Banquet JP, LeSevre N 1980 Event-related potentials in altered states of consciousness. Motivation, Motor and Sensory Processes of the Brain, Progress in Brain Research. 54:447-453.
- 54. Travis F, Miskov S P300 latency and amplitude during eyes-closed rest and Transcendental Meditation practice. Psychophysiology 31:567.
- 55. Kobal G Wandhofer RA, Plattig K-H 1975 EEG power spectra and auditory evoked potentials in Transcendental Meditation Pfugers Arch. Supplement 359:R 96.
- 56. Williams I; West M 1975 EEG responses to photic stimulation in persons experienced at meditation. Electroencephalog Clin Neurophysiolo. 39:519-522. Transcendental Meditation ;
Comparing TM with Other Meditation Programs
Titre de l'étude originale : How the Transcendental Meditation Program (TM) Differs from Other Techniques, Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf.
Comme vous aimez les sciences, vous allez trouver d'un très grand intérêt l'excellent Résumé des recherches scientifiques sur le programme de MT et de MT-Sidhi, un très sérieux travail de compilation réalisé par le docteur Orme-Johnson il y a quelques années.
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