Un extrait de la revue Environmental Times.

Je prend soin d'afficher ici une copie de l'original, telle qu';elle m'a été communiquée par le Parti de la Loi Naturelle; en anglais, donc :


The two year anniversary of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s approval for Monsanto to sell their genetically engineered milk hormone, rBST, has recently passed.

The hormone has been the most controversial drug in the history of the FDA and is the first of hundreds of genetically engineered drugs which will be entering our food supply.

After investing $300 million from 1990-95, Monsanto learned of two very serious problems associated with this food additive. Cows treated with rBST (recombinant bovine somatotropin) developed mastitis and ulcers on their udders. This resulted in increased levels of bacteria and puss in milk.

Monsanto generated a creative solution : their chief researcher, Margaret Miller, Ph.D. obtained a job with FDA (impartially?) reviewing her own research.

Miller changed the existing protocol for allowable levels of antibiotics in milk. Prior to Miller's arrival at the FDA, the allowable level of antibiotic in milk was one part per 100 million. Miller changed that allowable level to one part per million, allowing antibiotics to increase 100 times !

The average American last year ingested 814 pounds of milk and dairy products, 2.2 pounds per day. Americans were eating antibiotics, and new strains of bacteria and virus which had developed immunities to the megadoses of antibiotics which cows received.

The Center for Disease Control has issued numerous alerts for encephalitis and other diseases which antibiotics no longer affect.

All of the laboratory animals developed cancers or leukemias after rBST treatment, in a study performed by Richard Odaglia and Deslex.

Monsanto's own attorney, Michael Taylor, was hired by FDA and assumed the second most powerful FDA job which enabled him to oversee the approval process.

Taylor ignored the Delaney Amendment, a Congressional Act which prohibited approval of any drug causing cancer in lab animals. After noting that lab animals got cancer from this milk hormone, Taylor wrote a "DeMinimus Interpretation of the Delaney Amendment" which minimized the way the FDA looked at cancer.

The secret report has not been released to the public, despite Freedom of Information Act requests and appeals. There is currently a case in Federal Court (95-6140 - WHW NJ) challenging the withholding of this key report.

Americans have been sold out by those who were empowered to protect their health interests. The bottom line is that if you now drink milk you could consume a product containing dangerous levels of hormones and antibiotics.

Betty Martini

Robert Cohen est l'un des experts qui a engagé le procès pour avoir accès à l'information.

Betty Martini fait partie de l'association américaine Mission Possible.

Plusieurs chercheurs ont révèlé que, pour favoriser l'acceptation de ses produits, la multinationale américaine Monsanto avait commencé une "campagne d'éducation du public" qui emploie "environ 70 anciens ambassadeurs américains et plus de 170 anciens employés de la CIA".
"Qu'une compagnie engage ce genre de personnels en dit long sur leurs intentions et la soi-disante pureté de ce qu'ils ont à vendre".

Dans son enquête Public Interest Pretenders, la revue américaine des consommateurs CONSUMER REPORTS, Vol. 59, numéro 5, May 1994, pages 316 à 320, décrit le grand nombre des groupes de pression fomentés par certaines grandes industries. D'après cette enquête, déguiser ces groupes de pression en "institution pour le bien public" est maintenant bien au point...

Annonce de la campagne contre les manipulations génétiques de l'alimentation.
Extrait de la conférence exceptionnelle du professeur Fagan à Paris.